Guildford Village Dental

Oral Exams in Surrey

Dental Services

Oral Exams Near You

Oral exams provide the baseline for dental care, and routine visits help our dentists monitor your teeth for health concerns. Your regular oral exam is also a chance to catch concerns with your teeth early, recommend treatment, and offer prevention for more serious oral health concerns, such as oral cancer, with routine screenings.

What to Expect In an Oral Exam

Our dentists will examine your teeth during your routine check-up to ensure they are healthy. Annual check-ups are an opportunity to discuss any oral health concerns you may have, possibly update your x-ray images, and discuss treatments such as fillings, restorations, or cosmetic improvements. We will refer you to a trusted professional partner if there are any issues we cannot treat in our offices.

Welcoming New Patients

We welcome new patients of all ages to our Surrey dental clinic. Please come to your new patient appointment fifteen minutes early to fill in some paperwork and tell us about your dental health priorities and concerns. We look forward to meeting you and becoming part of your oral health routine.

For a comprehensive oral exam in Surrey that puts your dental health first, choose Guildford Village Dental. Your trusted destination for an expert oral exam near you.

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